Douglas DC-3 tin plane, Schylling Collector Series

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Item condition: New

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The DC-3 had many exceptional qualities compared to previous aircraft. It was fast, had a good range, was more reliable, and carried passengers in greater comfort. Before the war, it pioneered many air travel routes. It was able to cross the continental US from New York to Los Angeles in 18 hours and with only 3 stops. It is one of the first airliners that could profitably carry only passengers without relying on mail subsidies.

This wonderful tin airplane has a friction motor as the plane rolls forward, the propellers spin. It is printed with great detail, from the coloured propellers to the passengers inside. Model presented in 1950’s era colour box. This is part of the Schylling Collector Series for the adult collector only. Wingspan 25cm.

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Auction started September 19, 2020 12:08 pm

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